

耶稣会教育最著名的信条之一是 看台personalis, a Latin term synonymous with care for and development of the whole person. All of the teachers at the Prep display this in their interactions with students on a daily basis. 虽然很多都是伊格那爵教育家的好例子, 这里mg冰球突破试玩网站重点介绍三位在世的特殊教师 看台personalis 在他们的教室里.


For Caroline 贝克尔, the classroom dynamic should be a space of mutual respect and camaraderie. “I believe that for authentic learning to happen, risk taking is essential,她说。. “My goal is to build a healthy relationship filled with trust so our students will be willing to take those risks when needed.”

贝克尔 came to education in her 40s as a second career and she thinks that may have played a part in her classroom style. “Maybe being a little older has allowed me to have a more intuitive nature about human relations,她说。. “I think that our work is more than merely a vehicle to exchange information. Learning should be a full-body experience that impacts how you see the world and the decisions you make.”

One way that 贝克尔 uses to build those relationships is a monthly check-in form that serves several purposes and covers a wide range of matters impacting young men: reflections on class and feedback on units of study; their out of the classroom experiences; situations at home; how they celebrate holidays or breaks; sleep schedules; exercise and eating habits; and optional space for anything they want to add. She also asks her students to provide any prayer intentions they may have. 

“这是了解教室脉搏的好方法,她说。, 还要了解他们的为人. 我了解了生病的父母,朋友,他们的快乐和心痛. 这真的是一个很好的机会.”

Meditation, journaling, or regular psalm readings are a regular part of her classroom routine. 她说:“我认为,mg冰球突破试玩网站需要树立安静和冷静的榜样。. “Their brains need downtime to focus and realize that it is okay to be with your thoughts. 然后mg冰球突破试玩网站可以以一种健康的方式进入课堂.”

此外,贝克尔有意出席预科活动. “So much of our students’ life and passion happens outside of my classroom,她说。. “我想让他们知道我也关心他们, 我在一个对他们很重要的地方.”

明年, she will add a senior elective to her teaching schedule: a new course on Religion in Philadelphia. It is another opportunity to help students see the impact of religion on their lives. ”看台罗马城 (爱护城市)对我来说真的很重要,” says 贝克尔 and anyone who visits her class will see this firsthand as it is adorned with Philly maps and objects. “I am excited for the opportunity for this class to engage the students in exploring the mind and heart of our city.” 


Mr. H’s funky classroom on the third floor just off of the main stairwell is a perfect place for a student to feel at home. 经常播放音乐, 闪烁的灯光排列在教室里, 亨扎克总是带着友好的微笑和问候. But once seated, intense learning begins and the students are along for the ride.

“如果mg冰球突破试玩网站把学生置于具有挑战性的环境中,但给予他们支持, 这会带来增长,亨德扎克说. “I want my courses to be really challenging but also give them the tools necessary to succeed. That is what we, as educators, need to develop for our students to be successful.”

Hendrzak has also noticed that many students are still feeling the effects of the pandemic from four years ago.

他说:“mg冰球突破试玩网站希望它消失,但mg冰球突破试玩网站还没有时间来疗伤。. “It’s hard to diagnose but I believe that we are still fractured from what happened in 2020. 我认为mg冰球突破试玩网站需要接受这个观点,即mg冰球突破试玩网站并不都是完整的, that some students arrive with that invisible backpack of how it impacted them.”

作为他环境科学课的结题, Hendrzak让学生设计一个小型的服务项目 联合国可持续发展目标,其中包括清洁用水、全民教育和零饥饿. 

《冰球突破试玩网站》杂志, we talk about global issues but also need to focus locally to make an impact,亨德扎克说. “This project is an opportunity for students to 设计 a social justice project, 在Prep的Ignatian 服务组件之外. 找一个需要你的组织, 走出去,自己做点什么, 走出去,走向世界,有所作为. 在帮助别人治愈的同时,mg冰球突破试玩网站也治愈了自己.”

服务结束后, students create a reflection and infographic on how the projects influenced the community and them. “When you read the reflections, you can see the results,” Hendrzak says. 

Some students helped to plant at a local farm to help residents on “food islands” where access to quality food and vegetables are limited and expensive. Other students have worked with local organizations to clean waterways and parks. 

“mg冰球突破试玩网站可以在很多地方提供帮助,亨德扎克说, “但要让它站起来并继续下去可能很难. This project helps them make connections that perhaps will lead them to further involvement.”


如果你让学生举一个老师的例子 看台personalis, 许多人会说夫人. 霍夫曼. The Chair of the 计算机科学 Department has an easy rapport with the students and they feel supported in her class.

“在个人层面上, it is very important to me that there is mutual respect between me and my students,她说。. “我真诚地喜欢他们,尊重他们.”

像贝克, 霍夫曼 believes this respect helps students feel comfortable to take on difficult subjects. “In my classroom, we work as a team, a group of people learning together,她说。. “当遇到困难时,mg冰球突破试玩网站会解决它. They are willing to take the risk and work on it, knowing that we can trust each other.”

而这种关心的态度在课堂上表现出来, she also makes sure that students see her attend their athletic and co-curricular events. “I think it is important for us to show up as Ignatian educators,她说。. “我去看他们的比赛, 我去看他们的演出, 我带一群学生去参加机器人比赛, 到编程比赛.”

这种融洽的关系帮助塑造了该系的课程. When students expressed an interest in getting more involved in Robotics, 他们找到了霍夫曼,霍夫曼为此开设了一门新课程. That has helped students who might not be able to compete in the school’s Robotics Team on a regular basis get the skills that come from the activity: computer programming, 工程, 设计, 和更多的. 

“They were comfortable discussing what they wanted with me and I was comfortable listening and seeing how we as a department can support their academic needs,霍夫曼说. 


通过在课堂内外关心mg冰球突破试玩网站的学生, 贝克尔, Hendrzak, 和霍夫曼继承了优秀预科教育工作者的悠久传统. We look forward to profiling more of our outstanding faculty in the months to come.  
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